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About me



Adriana Szczęśniak-Majcher's

Law Firm

"clear contracts make loyal friends"





Adriana Szczęśniak-Majcher's law firm specializes in matters related to civil lawcopyright law and company law.

She also conducts cases in the field of criminal law.

She mainly deals with individual clients.

Warmly welcome!

"clara pacta claros faciunt amicos"


By creating this website, I wanted to break the established stereotype of an overly serious lawyer who looks at the client from the heights of his knowledge and education.

I want to meet you and the matters with which you come to me.

The proper resolution of a case usually depends on how deeply trust is between the client and his lawyer. Only universally understood cooperation, extended to all levels that are relevant to the cause, will bring the expected results within reach.

Remember, whatever situation you struggle with, your peace of mind and restoring (or attaining) your desired situation is my highest goal.

                                      att.  Adriana Szczęśniak-Majcher